The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena.
Carl Sagan
Dynamic Planet looks at the geography of the earth and rotates the region of focus each year. It is possible that next year will be a focus on the earth’s crust.
Fossils is an identification event. The list can have some changes but the binder can be started early and edited later.
Astronomy (Division C only) While the focus changes each year, the basics found on the wiki page are covered every year.
Geologic Mapping (Division C only) This test covers all kinds of maps. Being proficient in them will prepare you well for the event no matter the focus.
Meteorology (Division B only)has a pretty steady rotation and if it keeps up the pattern, climate is the next topic for this event.
Reach for the Stars (Division B only) will have some season specific areas of focus, but the general material on the wiki page will be useful no matter the focus.
Road Scholar (Division B only) is the study and use of maps and all of the information gathered from them. The maps may change from year to year, but you prepare for this yearly event by studying the wiki page and old exams.